Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis

The Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis (J.A.R.B.A.), is the official publication of A.A.R.B.A.. J.A.R.B.A. has three issues a year.

J.A.R.B.A. aims to spread the Behavior Analysis principles and findings through scientific researches. Despite the English title J.A.R.B.A. is mainly written in Italian language.

Articles from international and Italian scientists are published in J.A.R.B.A., and a selection of relevant articles, from Journal of Organizational Behavior Management (JOBM) and Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB), are also translated and published in J.A.R.B.A. in Italian language.


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Proceedings of: 14th applied behavior analysis conference 12th European Conference of Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) and Performance Management (PM).

Behavior-based safety and performance management in production companies and healthcare (conference proceedings 2017)

Proceedings of: 12th applied behavior analysis conference 10th European Conference of Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) and Performance Management (PM).

Temi trattati: bbs – behavior based safety, obm – organizational behavior management (atti del congresso 2015).

Temi trattati: bbs – behavior based safety, obm – organizational behavior management, aba, autismo, psicologia clinica (atti del congresso 2014).

Temi trattati: behavior-based safety, organizational behavior management, aba, autismo, psicologia clinica, analisi del comportamento in odontoiatria.

Temi trattati: behavior-based safety, organizational behavior management, commemorazione del prof. caracciolo, aba, autismo (atti del congresso 2012).

Temi trattati: behavior-based safety, organizational behavior management, certificazione b-bs, aba, sistemi di gestione della salute e sicurezza sul.

Main topics: cabas, precision teaching, direct instruction, mantenimento b-bs, scrittura fluente, mand and tact.

Temi trattati: auto-osservazione, difesa del comportamento, pt vs ipertesto, aba teacch, insegnamento dei numeri.

Main topics: psicologia e informatica, i dati e la loro rappresentazione, autismo, pt e motivazione.

Main topics: rapporto ereditarietà/ambiente, ba in educational psycology, parent training, insegnanti-ricercatori, fluenza tra i banchi.