11th European Conference of B-BS (2017) - AARBA

A heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed and participated

AARBA is keen to thank:

  • all participants (companies, individuals and institutions);
    the chairman and discussant;
    national and international speakers;
    the organizing partner ANMIL – National Association of Mutilated and Invalid Laborers;
    the Sponsors and in particular 
    Heineken International;
    the entities that have sponsored and contributed to the promotion of the event;
    the staff of the Pontifical Urbaniana University;
    all those who directly or indirectly contributed to the success of the initiative
    In the wonderful setting of the Pontifical Urban University we have taken a step forward for the diffusion of Behavior Analysis in Italy. By sharing annually the progress of the research and the marvelous results obtained thanks to the application of the B-BS protocol in companies and in health care we keep to the principles of experimental evidence and continuous revision, benchmarks of the discipline.
  • The proceedings of the Congress, made available by the various speakers, are published in the new issue of the JARBA – Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis and can be downloaded at this link.

    At this link, however, and on the social networks are also available photographs of the event.

    See you all at the 2018 edition of the European Congress of Behavior-Based Safety and Performance Management!

Pontificia Università Urbaniana di Roma, 14 June 2017

Download the program

What does the effectiveness of reinforcement or feedback depend on? How to avoid that observations turn into an automatic and inaccurate compilation of a checklist among the many? What to do after you have reached Zero Accidents? Those were the questions that the conference asked its international speakers.
This is the 11th edition of the biggest event in Europe dedicated to the effective management of behavior-safety in the workplace. The event has already been awarded 3 times with a commemorative medal by the President of the Republic, for its high moral value and its great social impact.

Below are the main themes of 2017's symposia

1) The role of management in the maintenance of the B-BS processes and in the involvement of third-party companies

Without the committment of the management, clear in communications and materialized in some activities under the direct control of top management, the behavioral safety processes risk after a few years of interrupting and failing in their purpose, ie reduce frequency and severity of injuries. The directors of the workplaces that have applied the B-BS protocol in recent years have been invited to bring their experience and to talk about the solutions adopted to establish an effective A-B-C cascade starting from top management and corporate. The congress will illustrate the results obtained due to the application of the protocol, the methods of involvement of external companies and, moreover, a B-BS project for the safe driving of the sales network.

2) The B-BS applied to the health field for the protection of doctors, operators and patients

The first research carried out in Italy on the application of the B-BS in the health sector, was carried out by AARBA researchers thanks to the contribution and funding of INAIL and the Ministry of Health, it showed the remarkable fallout that the behavioral safety protocol has in the health field, where health and safety behaviors are not only by operators and doctors, but also and above all, by patients: since the potentially preventable hospital infections represent about 30% of those that have arisen, it can be estimated that every year there are between 135,000 and 210,000 preventable infections thanks to simple and cost-free actions, carried out with high frequency, such as “washing your hands".
The congress will be an opportunity to learn the precautions to adapt the standard protocol to the health sector and to know the results that can be obtained through the direct experiences of some hospitals.

The 11th European Congress of B-BS is sponsored by:

Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri


Federazione Nazionale dell’Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontroiatri


Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali

Ministero del Lavoro

Ordine degli Psicologi del Lazio

Ordine Psicologi Lazio